Teletalk 26Tk (minute,sms,mb) Recharge Offer 2017

teletalk 26th March new offer, To celebrate Independence Day in Bangladesh Teletalk offering 46 Minute, 26 SMS & 260 MB data only for 26tk for 3 days validity.

Teletalk 26th March Offer:
- Teletalk all prepaid user can enjoy.
- Type P26 and send to 111.
- or dial *111*61# for active.
- Offer price 26tk.
- Validity 3 days.
- Use time 24 hours.

- Dial *152# to know bonus balance.
- Offer can take more times as you want.
- Offer will be run 28th March 2017.

To know more info about Teletalk 26tk offer, call 121 or 01550157750.
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