Banglalink 3GB Data 42Tk New Internet Offer 2018

bl latest mb offer, Banglalink launch new internet offer which is 3GB internet only for 42Tk with 2 days validity. Banglalink user can active this offer by recharge or short code dialing. more details is below-

3GB 42Tk Offer Details:
- Banglalink parpaid & CnC user can enjoy 3GB offer.
- To active 3GB offer just recharge 42 or
- Dial *5000*42# to active 3GB data offer.
- 2GB internet data for regular uses and
- 1GB internet data for Facebook uses.
- Both data validity 2 days.
- SD+VAT+SC is included.
- Data can use any mode (Depend on device & network).

- Dial *124*50# to check mian data (for recharge purchase).
- Dial *5000*500# to check mian data (for USSD purchase).
- Dial *124*26# to check Facebook data balance.
- After expire data pack, you may use PAYG rate.
- You can avail 3GB offer more times with campaign period.

To know more info about BL 3GB @42Tk offer, Call 111 or 01911304111.
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