Robi now providing a new bundle minute offer in this cricket T-20 seasons. In this offer Robi user can enjoy bundle minute with unlimited Facebook browsing. So more comments and more sharing and also more enjoy.
Robi T-20 Bundle Offer:
>> 20 Tk Bundle:
- Dail *8444*310# to activate bundle pack.
- 80 minute (Robi-Robi).
- Unlimited FB browsing (FUP after 60 MB).
- Validity 1 days.
- Use time 24 hours.
- Pulse 10 sec.
>> 50 Tk Bundle:
- Dail *8444*311# to activate bundle pack.
- 200 minute (Robi-Robi).
- Unlimited FB browsing (FUP after 180 MB).
- Validity 3 days.
- Use time 24 hours.
- Pulse 10 sec.
>> 100 Tk Bundle:
- Dail *8444*312# to activate bundle pack.
- 400 minute (Robi-Robi).
- Unlimited FB browsing (FUP after 60 MB).
- Validity 7 days.
- Use time 24 hours.
- Pulse 10 sec.
Other Information:
- Dial *222*2# to check bundle minute.
- Dial *8444*88# to check internet data.
- FUP data speed 32KBPS.
- SD+VAT+SC applicable.
To know more info about Robi T-20 Bundle offer, Call 123 or 01819400400.