Robi handset offer, Now you can be a smart easily with Robi smartphone offer. Yes Robi introducing a new handset offer, in this offer will get two Symphony handset offer (Symphony E12, Symphony E58). Offer details is below-
Smartphone Offer Details:
Handset Feature & Pricing:
# Bonus Checking Code:
- Dial *222*8# to check bonus minutes.
- Dial *8444*88# to check data.
# Offer Conditions:
- Bundle minute can be used only local call.
- Unused bundle minutes & data will not carry forward.
- Bundle minute can't be transfered.
- 10 Sec pulse for prepaid.
- Package wise pulse for postpaid.
- After purchasing handset offer then tagging robi number for bundle pack.
- Bonus will be disbursed within 60 minute for prepaid & 72 hours for postpaid.
- Both bonus can get after sucessfully tagging.
- Multiple MSISDN & IMEI tagging will not be considered.
To know more info about Robi Samsung handset offer, call 123 or 01819400400.