Teletalk agami 3G Data Package Offer 2018 (Update)

teletalk agami data/mb package offer, Teletalk offering special internet offer for teletalk all agami user. In this offer Agami user can enjoy many special internet data package offer. Those internet data package are below-

Teletalk Agami(Data Package):
Agami 3G package connects future leaders

Features Data Pack:
1GB @ Tk.94 (Validity 30Day)
1GB @ Tk.21 (Validity 2Days)
5GB @ Tk.334 (Validity 30Days)
10GB @ Tk.159 (Validity 10Days)

1 GB 43Tk Offer:
- Recharge Only 43Tk to active 1GB data.
- Recharge amount will not be added.
- Validity 30 Days.
- Only for first 3 months after activation.

1 GB 21Tk Offer:
- Recharge Only 21Tk to active 1GB data.
- Recharge amount will not be added.
- Validity 2 Days.

1 GB 94Tk Offer:
- Type D44 & send to 111 to active 1GB 94Tk offer.
- Dial *111*544# to active 1GB 94Tk offer.
- Validity 30 Days.

5 GB 334Tk Offer:
- Type D45 & send to 111 to active 5GB 334Tk offer.
- Dial *111*545# to active 5GB 334Tk offer.
- Validity 30 Days.

10 GB 159Tk Offer:
- Recharge Only 159Tk to active 10GB data.
- Recharge amount will not be added.
- Validity 10 Days.

20 MB 6Tk Offer:
- Recharge Only 6Tk to active 20B data.
- Type D43 & send to 111 to active 20 offer.
- Validity 1 Days.

- Unused data will be carried forward if same data package activation.
- Type 'u' and send SMS to 111 or dial *152# to check data balance.
- Each and every offer can active more times within campaign period.
- Both offer will be run until further notice.
- SD+VAT+SC applicable for USSD Activation.

To know more info about Teletalk Agami Data Offer, Call 121 or 01550157750.
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